Simple Stand

Easy and fast to print universal stand, designed to be printed in vase mode.

Simple Stand


General informations

This is an easy-to-print universal stand that works great as a stand for a smartphones, tablets, books or pictures. Thanks to its wavy structure, the stand is very rigid and durable.
It is designed to be printed in vase mode to reduce printing time. Typically, printing time should be around an hour (for default size).

Recommended print instructions for 0.4 mm nozzle

  • vase mode: on,
  • extrusion width: 0.8 mm,
  • solid layers: 0.
I recommend printing it with 0.8 mm extrusion width, because it makes the stand more solid and stable. It should be printed as it is - on the side.

Assembly instructions:

The stand is ready to use right after printing. Just put your phone/tablet/picture/etc on it.

Optional modifications:

This stand can be easily scaled in the slicer to the desired sizes. It can be also printed in normal mode (without vase mode), with solid layers for better stability.